Who can use this feature?
- All roles with access level "standard" or higher
- Custom feature permissions may apply
- Available on all plans
A success plan is a tool to identify actionable items that contribute to a customer's high level objectives. By categorizing tasks and notes that contribute toward this plan, you can create layouts to help you prioritize your work.
1. Add a "success plan" option to notes and tasks categories (admins)
Anyone with access level "high" can complete these steps.
- From Settings sidebar, click Object Configuration.
- From the Notes object, click Categories.
- Click Add New Value, and input "Success Plan" as the label.
- Click Update.
- Repeat steps 2-4 for the Tasks object.
2. Add a "success plan objective" task field (admins)
Anyone with access level "high" can complete these steps.
- From Settings sidebar, click Object Configuration.
- From the Tasks object, add a new field with the following properties:
- Input type: Picklist
- Display name: Success Plan Objective
- Add new values: Add a value for each objective (e.g., Increase revenue growth, boost team efficiency, build customer loyalty, etc.). The available objectives to choose from should be high level enough to apply to all accounts.
- Click Create.
The task field is automatically added to the blank task and any task templates.
3. Create "success plan" segments for notes and tasks
Anyone with access level "standard" or higher can complete these steps.
- Create a new segment based on the Notes object.
- Add the following filters:
Status is not
Categories contains
Success Plan
Status is not
- Save the segment as "Success Plan Notes."
- Create a new segment based on the Tasks object for each objective.
- Add the following filters:
Categories contains
Success Plan
Success Plan Objective is
[Objective 1]
Categories contains
- Save the segment as "Success Plan Tasks - [Objective 1]."
- Repeat the steps for each objective.
4. Create a "success plan" layout
Anyone with access level "standard" or higher can complete these steps.
- Create a new layout at the account object level.
- Add a segments module for the "Success Plan Notes" segment and each "Success Plan Tasks - [Objective]" segments.
- Arrange the modules and save the layout as "Success Plan."
Tell your teams to use the "Success Plan" category for their notes and tasks when applicable, and use the new "Success Plan" layout to monitor progress on success plans, per account.