Create new contacts (non-synced)

Who can use this feature?

  • All roles with access level "high"
  • Available on all plans

In addition to syncing contacts with Salesforce, you can create new contacts in Catalyst from a data warehouse (automatic daily schedule) or a one-time upload from a CSV file (manual).

Local contacts are one-directional populated from the data source; your team can read values but not edit the values in Catalyst. Local contacts do not sync with Salesforce.

Contact matching

The following applies to both data warehouse and CSV upload methods.

  • Contacts are associated with accounts based on email domain, using the Website or Additional Domain field found on the account record.
  • Set your de-duplication preference, in the event there is a conflict with a Salesforce contact

Create new contacts from a data warehouse

You can only map one data warehouse and table/CSV at a time. Ensure you've configured an integration with your data warehouse before you begin.

The table or CSV you use in your storage bucket has the following fields: First Name, Last Name, Email Address, Title, Created At Date.

  1. From the Settings sidebar, click Record Creation.
  2. Click Create from Data Warehouse.
  3. Follow the setup prompts:
    • Choose the data warehouse you want and a nickname for it in Catalyst.
    • Choose the database, scheme, and table to use from the selected data source.
    • Choose the Created At Date to identify new contacts to import on a daily basis. Select the column in your table that shows the date the contact was added to the table.
    • Map or confirm the columns are correctly mapped to Catalyst fields.
  4. Click Confirm & Sync.
    Your contacts will be synced at the next sync time shown on the final page. 

Create new contacts from a CSV upload

Ensure the CSV you want to upload  has the following fields: First Name, Last Name, Email Address, Title. Files must be 500KB or less. If a contact's email address in your CSV matches an existing contact record in Catalyst, they will be skipped. Otherwise, a new contact will be created.

  1. From the Settings sidebar, click Record Creation.
  2. Click Create from CSV.
  3. Drag and drop your local file into the window, and click Next.
  4. Map or confirm the columns are correctly mapped to Catalyst fields.
  5. Click Import Data.
    Once the upload is complete, you'll receive an email notification. If any rows failed, you'll receive an attached CSV with the reasons for the failures.

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