Configure health profiles

Who can use this feature?

  • All roles with access level "high"
  • Available on all plans

Health profiles tell Catalyst how to rate the state of an account based on an "ideal" measurement. Once configured, you and your teams can:

  1. Trigger playbooks based on a customer's health status
  2. Understand health of total account base, divided by account segment
  3. Track health trend per account

About health scoring

Catalyst generates an ultimate account score that maps to the following core fields on the account object:

  • Health: Health, at risk, neutral (picklist)
  • Numeric Health Score: Calculated from input scores and group scores within each profile

Within each health profile, you can define custom weights for groups of health indicators that are more important to the calculation.

Scoring considerations:

  • Inputs with no value for a specific group are ignored and are not used in the health calculation of the group of that account
  • Groups where all inputs are missing for an account are ignored and are not part of the overall health calculation of the account
  • When an input is ignored, its weight is distributed between all the other inputs of the that group proportionally
  • An ignored group weight is distributed between all the other groups proportionally to their weights

Create a health profile setup

The health profile setup requires you can choose between single or multiple profiles on the account object:

  • Single: Create one health profile that applies to all records on the account object.
  • Multiple: Create multiple health profiles that apply to subsets of records on the account object, based on a secondary picklist (e.g., a "Customer Segment" field to create health profiles for each account segment: SMB, Mid-Market, Enterprise). In other words, what makes an SMB account health is likely not the same things as what makes an Enterprise account healthy. 

You can transition from a single to a multiple health profile setup without affecting the health data.

  1. Navigate to Settings > Health.
  2. Click Create a Weighted Health Score.
  3. Choose single or multiple setup.
    • If setting up multiple health profiles, choose the secondary field you want to use for creating a unique health configuration per field value. 
  4. Click Next.
    You can now define the properties of the profile(s).

Define health profile settings

You can define up to ten groups of health data, per profile. For each group, choose the account-level field (input) to map to the following options:

  • Healthy
  • At Risk

Any criteria not met from one of those options will be considered Neutral.*

*You can optionally exclude null values from the calculation to avoid classifying an input as Neutral for missing data points.

  1. Within the health profile, click Options (...) > Edit (if not already in edit mode).
  2. Choose which profile to configure (if using multiple profiles).

    You can also copy from an existing profile to avoid starting from scratch.
  3. On the Segments tab, optionally define health score segments by adding filter logic. For example, you may choose to omit scoring accounts in a particular stage or that are churning. Omitted accounts will not have a health score.

    If an account falls out of the segment (e.g., a paying customer churns), it retains the last weighted health score at the time it left the segment.

  4. On the Overrides tab, optionally define health score overrides for each health status by adding filter logic. For example, you may add an "at risk" override when the CSM sentiment is red. When the CSM sentiment value is updated to red on the account, the account's health automatically updates to "at risk," regardless of the primary calculation used in health groups.
  5. On the Groups tab, click +Add Group to group similar field inputs and prioritize the most important things to your company (up to 10 groups). 
  6. Within a group, define the first input (see how inputs are scored). You can choose an unlimited number of inputs per group, but we recommend a maximum of 5 fields.
    • Choose an account field. (Rich text, team member, and time fields are not supported.)
    • Set the relation and value for the Healthy condition
    • Set the relation and value for the At risk condition
    • Optionally exclude null values from the calculation for more precision; when a customer doesn't have data the input, Catalyst omits it from the account's health score calculation.
      • If all inputs in a group are null, the group score will reflect as null.
  7. Add more inputs as needed. For each group that has multiple inputs, each field will receive a numeric health score on a scale from 1-10. Use advanced settings to choose how to calculate the overall group score:
    • Average the inputs as the group score
    • Use the highest input as the group score
    • Use the lowest input as the group score
  8. Add more groups as needed. Once you have the groups you want, weight them by selecting a percentage using the sliding scale (in 5% increments). The total value updates as you slide (no greater than 100%).
  9. When the percentages across all groups total to 100%, click Preview Score.
    Catalyst calculates a 1-10 score for the field score for:
  10. Hover over the health trend to view a preview of how one of your account's health trend looks under this calculation. Big fluxes in change may indicate an area to expand the threshold.
  11. Click Publish Score.
    After initial setup, this may take a few minutes to apply to your accounts.
  12. If your health setup includes multiple profiles, use the drop-down to configure groups and inputs for each type. Be sure to publish each one.
  13. If you are syncing Catalyst health to Salesforce, be sure to configure the new health fields.

On the weighted health overview page, view the number of accounts in each profile that qualify for each health status. Your teams can also monitor customer health for their accounts.


Question: If I delete a health profile configuration and then later re-configure the health score, what happens to historical trends?

Answer: The old history persists; it is now cleared.

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