Democratize data that is being captured by your CS team for the rest of your organization
Quickly onboard new CS team members to your processes and customer management philosophy
Allow your CS team to optimize workflows and deliver insights to cross-functional teams to ensure the voice of the customer is best utilized throughout the organization
Guidelines on how to build within Catalyst
Make every workflow self serve by including descriptions
Add descriptions to your fields on how it should be updated and read
Include explanatory section headers in your layouts
Add instructions to your note and task templates
Align every required action in Catalyst to a tangible outcome Every field a CSM is asked to update should be incorporated into a workflow via a playbook automation, layout discussed in meetings, layout linked as resource, factor of health score, etc.
Make data collection as easy as possible
Add additional fields to be updated into note templates the teams are already using
Add the field across all layouts (home or account) that align
Document what is a daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, ad hoc activity, and set the expectations accordingly (e.g., all documentation in #1 includes this context, linked layout or segment included in meeting invites, aligned incentive structure, etc.)
Add new data outcomes into layouts that already in use
Every layout should serve a purpose (i.e., helps run a meeting, communicate priority for what to work on, etc.)
Summarize into graphical representations or consolidate data into segments for easy review