Impersonate a Catalyst user

Who can use this feature?

  • All roles with access level "high"
  • Available on all plans

Impersonation allows admins to view the Catalyst experience as another member of their organization. For example, admins can view the books of business for direct reports or ensure that new layouts are correctly configured for other members.

What you need to know

  1. Only Catalyst admins can impersonate another non-admin user in view-only mode.
  2. If an edit is attempted during impersonation, an information message appears to indicate that you are unable to make changes while impersonating.  

Impersonate a non-admin user

  1. Click on your profile picture in the upper right corner.
  2. In the Impersonation box, type in the name of the user whose view you'd like to see.
  3. Select the user you want.
    Catalyst refreshes the screen and displays a yellow banner at the top of the screen. This banner remains everywhere in the app.
  4. When you're finished, click Exit Impersonation to return to your personal instance.

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